Web rtc


Real-time communication for the web … With WebRTC, you can add real-time communication capabilities to your application that works on top of an open standard.

An open framework for the web that enables Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities in the browser.

WebRTC – Wikipedia

WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is a free and open-source project providing web browsers and mobile applications with real-time communication (RTC) via …

WebRTC API – MDN Web Docs – Mozilla


10. jan. 2023 — WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is a technology that enables Web applications and sites to capture and optionally stream audio and/or …

WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is a technology that enables Web applications and sites to capture and optionally stream audio and/or video media, as well as to exchange arbitrary data between browsers without requiring an intermediary. The set of standards that comprise WebRTC makes it possible to share data and perform teleconferencing peer-to-peer, without requiring that the user install plug-ins or any other third-party software.

Det grundlæggende: hvad du har brug for at vide om WebRTC

WebRTC er et HTML-5-baseret, open source-projekt til browserbaseret realtidskommunikation-hvilket betyder, at det muliggør kommunikation direkte mellem browsere …

WebRTC (Web Real Time Communications) vinder berygtelse, da den næste generation af lyd- og videokonferenceprodukter kommer på markedet – men mange stadig

What is WebRTC and What is it Good For? – BlogGeek.me

What is WebRTC? [Video] Guide in a nutshell • BlogGeek.me

1. okt. 2022 — WebRTC is an HTML5 specification that you can use to add real time media communications directly between browser and devices. Simply put: WebRTC …

What is WebRTC and what can it be used for? We demonstrate why it is growing in importance and popularity: All you need to know about WebRTC!

Hvad er WebRTC? – 3CX

WebRTC bruger en server kaldet Web Conferencing Server, der sammen med en STUN Server skal levere den første side og synkronisere forbindelser mellem to WebRTC- …

Get started with WebRTC – web.dev

Get started with WebRTC

24. nov. 2020 — WebRTC uses RTCPeerConnection to communicate streaming data between browsers (also known as peers), but also needs a mechanism to coordinate …

Hvad er WebRTC? – DEKOM

WebRTC betyder Web Real Time Communications. Begrebet blev først introduceret i 2011, derefter blev teknologien standardiseret af W3C-konsortiet.

Din partner til professionelle videokonferencer og medieteknologi. Certificeret partner for Cisco, Lifesize, Polycom, Avaya og flere

Keywords: web rtc